Phillip is a young artist who began his studies in Italy and is currently finishing his degree in Vienna, at the University of Applied Arts. The “PencilBoy,” master of illustrations and a lover of Portugal, told us a little of what motivates him and showed us some of his work.
Text by Paulo Meixedo
Zoot Magazine: When did you start working in this area?
Phillipo Comarella: Well, its hard to say when I did start working in visual production, as I don’t think I realy started so far to do what I like on full-time and dig deep into what I ‘ve been dreaming about. Im still not done with my final-degree project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna – this task is absorbing nearly all my time at moment.
By all means, I ‘ve been working for mainly illustration and storyboarding since more or less 5 years now. I guess I started like pretty muchmost of the young creatives – they get noticed by somebody and after that with a little luck they end up getting a chance to prove their qualities on a real job. So one thing follows the other and so on.
I’m really keen to improve and spend more time with my passion.
Zoot Magazine: What inspires you to create new things? Any reference in particular?
Phillipo Comarella: Of course there is a huge palette of great artists and creatives I could mention at this point, almost every day I get impressed by somebody new. Great inspiration in everywhere through all centuries of history and modern times.
One thing I learned and actually still learning: – if you like something, get impressed, fascinated or totally stunned by it, do yourself a big favour and try to study and understand in depth WHY this peace is so awesome , what is the actual outstanding feature that makes it so good inyour eyes. It may be the perfect craftsmanship, color harmony, conceptual idea, or what so ever. To understand why some pieces just work and why some just do not its for me the most valuable achievement. I strongly believe in such analysis. Anyhow still trying.
Zoot Magazine: What are your plans for future and what are you doing right now?
Phillipo Comarella: Right know I’m tweaking, cutting, glueing and shooting at my Stop Motion-Shortfilm Projekt, its about very emotional story of somebody being and his breakthrough into a better living. There might be something autobiographic in it to be honest. I cant reveal too much as i want to keep it fresh for the release date. Im really exited to see that finished.
A part of that regular storyboarding for advertising agencies and drawing task are filling my free and non-freetime. Drawing is for sure a very essential and crucial part of my life, it ever will.