Zoot Shoots

The faces of ModaLisboa Core

The calm before the show

Kieza Kanda at Central Models and Joaquim Arnell at We Are Models for HIBU.


Photography by Diogo dos Santos
Beauty by
Antonia Rosa and team with Clarins


In a moment of quiet connection amid the storm of the backstage, the models at ModaLisboa Core posed for portraits with Portuguese photographer Diogo dos Santos. A self-taught photographer with a background in film studies, Diogo captured a sense of strength and vulnerability in the models (and one designer) who were dressed, made-up and ready for the runway—yet still with some of themselves shining through.

Through the lens of a medium format Mamiya RZ67 on Kodak Portra 800 film, the resulting photos embody the hard work of the designers, models and our own Antonia Rosa with the rest of the backstage team at the latest iteration of ModaLisboa AW23.


Nuno Baltazar

Hair by Vasco Freitas and team at Vasco Freitas Salon.

Ana Miguel at We Are Models.
Ana Miguel at We Are Models.

Nuno’s show reminded me of my past at the Jeanne d’Arc school, where there were a thousand representations of Catholic saints. There was a lot of emotion behind the scene. All about saints, lucky charms. I did a make-up with fake tears.

—Antonia Rosa

Micael Cardoso at Karacter Agency.
Sompa Antonio at Da Banda Model Management.




Call me Georgeous by Luis Borges
“Big Bang”

Hair by Helena Vaz Pereira and team at Griffe Hair Style with L´Oréal Profissional Paris.

Kieza Kanda at Central Models.


Luis asked me to do something metallic because of the universe “Big Bang” theme of his collection. I did sparkling metallics in details on lips and eyes.

—Antonia Rosa

Eliana Lemos and Nivaldo Vaz.
Lexa Black.



“Sagrada Familia”



Luis Carvalho

Hair by Helena Vaz Pereira and team at Griffe Hair Style with L´Oréal Profissional Paris.

Diogo Lapas at Face Models.

Luis wanted to capture the feeling in the make up / on the skin of going from the warm house out into the cold in winter: we go out and blush in the face with the cold, and the eyelashes I did in white to remind of the snow.

—Antonia Rosa

Wedmarley Robalo and Sompa Antonio at Da Banda Model Management.
Xiaodi and Francisco Cruz at Karacter Agency.



 Olga Noronha

Hair by Bruno Bessa Cruz for Pêlos Cabelos with L´Oréal Professionnel Paris.
Glitter at Rowe Beauty.

Diana Shalk at Karacter Agency. as WIND /AIR (fu).

Almost every sculpture that I do rethinks the female body. Not in the sense that they necessarily have to be worn, but in the sense that you can tell by looking at the pieces that they don’t need a body to feel alive.

— Olga Noronha

Mariana Vasquez at Elite Lisbon. as WATER (sui).




Hair by Helena Vaz Pereira and team at Griffe Hair Style with L´Oréal Profissional Paris

Lena Bistrova at Just Models.

The new elements in this collection are the neon colours which hadn’t happened before in any previous collection. The giraffes had already happened but it was in a more subtle and peaceful way, and this time I wanted to use strong colours to create new sensations.

— Vera Fernandes, Buzina



Jewelry by Pipilarpi.

Sawitri Khan at Just Models.
Tian at We Are Models.
Xiaodi at Karacter Agency.
Lee Mendonça at We Are Models.
Mariia Liakhova at We Are Models.


For the eyebrows for Hibu I took inspiration in Kumadori make-up used in Kabuki theatre. It uses lines drawn on the face to show emotion.

—Antonia Rosa

Mariia Liakhova at We Are Models.
Marta Gonçalves, founder and creatice director of HIBU.
Zaquel Mendes at Elite Lisbon.
Lena Bistrova at Just Models.




Hair by Vasco Lx and team with L´Oréal Profissional Paris.

Dilsa Pereira at Da Banda Model Management.

Joana from Duarte was inspired by the Japanese martial art sport Judo for her collection. I was picking up the theme by using the dominant colours green and black from her collection to draw lines around the eyes, a little like caligraphy.

—Antonia Rosa

Leandro Reitz at Face Models.



“The god of small things”

Hair by Helena Vaz Pereira and team at Griffe Hair Style with L´Oréal Professional Paris.

Sawitri Khan at Just Models.
Dilsa Pereira at Da Banda Model Management.

Joana Duarte from Béhen wanted me to create a very natural soft make-up; her clothes are very feminine. I did the same transparent beautifying make-up for the girls and the boys, to give all of them a beautiful glowing natural skin.

—Antonia Rosa

Joao Jorge at Just Models.
Kreshmir Mendes at Just Models.



Filipe Augusto

Hair by Cláudio Pacheco and team at Chiado Studio with L´Oréal Professionnel Paris.

Francisco Cruz at Karacter Agency.
Rui Huila at Da Banda Model Management.
Luka Babo at Central Models.



Valentim Quaresma

by Helena Vaz Pereira and team at Griffe Hair Style with L´Oréal Profissional Paris.

Ariana Soeiro at Best Models.
Milena Cunha at Da Banda Model Management.
Naize at Karacter Agency.

After seeing how Valentim’s hair, jewellery, accessories and clothes, I thought of doing a detailed make-up, by just adding a golden touch to the upper lip.

—Antonia Rosa

Olga Mamkova at WeAre Models.
Diana Perdigao at L´Agence Lisboa.
Zaquel Mendes at Elite Lisbon and Rainara Baldé at Face Models.





Models in Béhen’s “the god of small things” collection.



Intro by Michaela Doyle

Special thanks to @carmencitalisboa for scanning and developing Diogo’s film.

To boot…

Check out Diogo’s balletic fashion story the rehearsal, along with his other work for ZOOT.

You can find all of Zoot’s backstage coverage of ModaLisboa Core at zootmagazine.com.


Featured designers:

@behen.studio | www.behenstudio.com

@buzinabrand | buzinabrand.pt

Call Me Gorgeous by Luís Borges
@callmegorgeousstore | @luisborgesoficial | callmegorgeous.store

www.duartebrand.com I @duartebrand

Filipe Augusto
@filipeaugusto_studio | filipeaugusto.pt

@hibu.studio | hibu-studio.com

Luís Carvalho
@luiscarvalhoofficial | www.luiscarvalho.net


Nuno Baltazar

Olga Noronha
@olganoronha__official | www.olganoronha.com

Valentim Quaresma
@valentimquaresma | valentimquaresma.com





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